Buried alive by loveHIM


Buried alive by love


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Tekst piosenki: Buried alive by love

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Again the burden of losing rests upon my shoulders
And its weight seems unbearable
Your tomb is where your heart is,
I should have told her
But within me hid a secret so terrible

To cry is to know that you're alive
But my river of tears has run dry
I never wanted to fool you, no
But a cold heart is a dead heart
And it feels like I've been buried alive by love

If I should die before I wake
Pray no one my soul to take
If I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile

If I should die before I wake
There ain't no one my soul to take
If I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile

The kiss of vanity blessed me with a spiritual murder
And fed the gods of war insatiable
Your home is where the dark is
I should have told her
Embrace the fire indestructible

To die is to know that you're alive
And my river of blood won't run dry
I never wanted to lose you, no
But a cold heart is a dead heart
And it feels like I've been buried alive by love

If I should die before I wake
Pray no one my soul to take
If I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile

If I should die before I wake
Pray no one my soul to take
If I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile

And they say to cry is to know that you're alive
And my river of tears has run dry
I never wanted to fool you, no
But a cold heart is a dead heart
A deserted soul is gone
A cold heart is a dead heart
And it feels like I've been buried alive by love

If I should die before I wake
There ain't no one my soul to take
If I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile,

If I should die before I wake
Pray no one my soul to take
If I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile

I've been buried alive by love
I've been buried alive by love
Buried alive by love
I've been buried alive by love
I've been buried alive by love
I've been buried alive by love

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HIM - fiński zespół rockowy, założony przez Ville Valo w 1991 roku w Helsinkach. Jego pełna nazwa brzmi His Infernal Majesty, co oznacza Jego Piekielna Wysokość. Muzycy stworzyli nowy gatunek muzyki, określany jako love metal - głównie ze względu na teksty piosenek. Wśród inspiracji członków HIM znajdują się zespoły Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Iggy Pop, Ramones, Pink Floyd. Zespół wystąpił m.in. na festiwalach: duńskim Roskilde Read more on Last.fm

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