Guy MitchellHeartaches By The Number


Guy Mitchell

Heartaches By The Number

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Tekst piosenki: Guy Mitchell

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Heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more

Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end

Heartache number one was when you left me
I never knew that I could hurt this way
And heartache number two
Was when you come back again
You came back but never meant to stay

Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more

Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end

Heartache number three
Was when you called me
And said that you were comin' back to stay

With hopeful heart
I waited for your knock on the door
I waited but you must have lost your way

Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more

Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku



Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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