Healoxy Pvt Ltd

@healoxy Noida


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Healoxy Pvt Ltd excels in delivering exceptional ICU Setup at Home, providing critical care patients with the opportunity to recover in a familiar and comfortable environment. Our services include state-of-the-art medical equipment such as ventilators, cardiac monitors, and infusion pumps. We work closely with experienced doctors to create personalized treatment plans and deliver regular health updates, ensuring optimal care and supervision. By choosing us, patients benefit from reduced hospital-acquired infection risks and seamless transitions from hospital to home

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Kilka słów o mnie

Healoxy Pvt Ltd excels in delivering exceptional ICU Setup at Home, providing critical care patients with the opportunity to recover in a familiar and comfortable environment. Our services include state-of-the-art medical equipment such as ventilators, cardiac monitors, and infusion pumps. We work closely with experienced doctors to create personalized treatment plans and deliver regular health updates, ensuring optimal care and supervision. By choosing us, patients benefit from reduced hospital-acquired infection risks and seamless transitions from hospital to home


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    2 lipca