Little FreakHarry Styles


Little Freak

Harry Styles

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Tekst piosenki: Little Freak

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Little freak, Jezebel
You sit high atop the kitchen counter
Stay green a little while
You bring blue lights to dreams
Starry haze, crystal ball
Somehow, you've become some paranoia
A wet dream just dangling
But your gift is wasted on me
I was thinkin' about who you are
Your delicate point of view, I
Was thinkin' about you
I'm not worried about where you are
Or who you will go home to I'm
Just thinkin' about you
Did you dressed up for Halloween?
I spilt beer on your friend, I'm not sorry
A golf swing and a trampoline
Maybe we'll do this again
Tracksuit and a ponytail
You hide the body all that yoga gave you
Red wine and a ginger ale
But you would make fun of me, for sure
I was thinkin' about who you are
Your delicate point of view, I
Was thinkin' about you
I'm not worried about where you are
Or who you will go home to I'm
Just thinkin' about you
I disrespected you
Jumped in feet first, and I landed too hard
A broken ankle, karma rules
You never saw my birthmark
I was thinkin' about who you are
Your delicate point of view, I
Was thinkin' about you
I'm not worried about where you are
Or who you will go home to I'm
Just thinkin' about you

Brak tłumaczenia!


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Harry Edward Styles to urodzony w 1994 roku Brytyjczyk, któremu popularność przyniósł udział w brytyjskim programie X Factor. W trakcie wspomnianego talent show Styles oraz czterech innych solistów zostali połączeni w zespół, który osiągnął światową sławę [One Direction]. Read more on

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