@harper22 Florida


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Hey I'm Harper I am 19 my birthday is August 1st 2003 i am single and I have 1 daughter Blakely Paige Ross my ex bf and I had Blakely in 2022 her birthday is July 3rd 2022 I have a condition called pituitary dwarfism  that makes you look younger than you actually are and its really annoying bc I keep getting reported for looking like a minor eventhough I can't help it the condition made me look young like a 10 year old but im 19 about to be 20 so ...

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Hey I'm Harper I am 19 my birthday is August 1st 2003 i am single and I have 1 daughter Blakely Paige Ross my ex bf and I had Blakely in 2022 her birthday is July 3rd 2022 I have a condition called pituitary dwarfism  that makes you look younger than you actually are and its really annoying bc I keep getting reported for looking like a minor eventhough I can't help it the condition made me look young like a 10 year old but im 19 about to be 20 so ...


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