Never Say GoodbyeHardwell & Dyro


Never Say Goodbye

Hardwell & Dyro

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Tekst piosenki: Never Say Goodbye

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You'll never fly, if you're too scared of the height
You'll never live if you're just too scared to die
Everybody wants heaven i know
But darling freedom ain't free, its a long road
You'll never find your place up there in the sky
If you never say goodbye
If you never say goodbye

You'll never fly, if you're too scared of the height
You'll never live if you're just too scared to die
Everybody wants heaven i know
But darling freedom ain't free, its a long road
You'll never find your place up there in the sky
If you never say goodbye
If you never say goodbye

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku



Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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