Comedy (spy x family) – Gen Hoshino


Comedy (spy x family)

Gen Hoshino

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Tekst piosenki: Comedy

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Petty little catfights, burn it all to black,
I Watch the planet proudly peter round
Searching, but I never figured out
Where I'm going
Every tear's dried upon my face
Stumling back to beter days to dreams I esape
Everything was simple, flowing in a ripple
When I saw your stunning, starlit grace
Calm my heart, and let me feel the same,
Now you're calling
Ennui, all that I've ever know
Suddenly, now I've found a home
So come along on the road
Coupled, we crafted a creed
Thicker than blood or the sea
Let the parties agree
Joined we'll always be
Gimme your hand, and I'll guide you home
Dinner is waiting, come on, let's go
Look at all the stuff I know
Show me the world that you se insde your soul
When you're here with me,
All of our moments are comedy
Dancing a waltz to the box frame creaks
Laughing to tears is all we'll ever need
Taking in stride this silly life,
Stepping in time

Brak tłumaczenia!



Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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