The Sky Is A NeighborhoodFoo Fighters


The Sky Is A Neighborhood

Foo Fighters

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Tekst piosenki: The Sky Is A Neighborhood

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The sky is a neighborhood
So keep it down
The heart is a storybook
A star burned out

The sky is a neighborhood
Don't make a sound
Lights coming up ahead
Don't look now

The sky is a neighborhood
The sky is a neighborhood
Don't look now

Oh my dear
Heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling
Bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down

Oh my dear
Heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling
Bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down

Mind is a battlefield
All hope is gone
Trouble to the right and left
Whose side you're on?

Thoughts like a minefield
I'm a ticking bomb
Maybe you should watch your step
Don't get lost

The sky is a neighborhood
The sky is a neighborhood
Don't get lost

Oh my dear
Heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling
Bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down

Oh my dear
Heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling
Bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down

The sky is a neighborhood

The heart is a storybook
A star burned out
Something coming up ahead
Don't look now

Oh my dear
Heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling
Bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down

Oh my dear
Heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling
Bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down

Oh my dear
Heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling
Bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down

The sky is a neighborhood

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Foo Fighters jest amerykańskim zespołem grającym alternative rock/post-grunge założonym przez multiinstrumentalistę Dave Grohla w 1994 w Seattle, USA. Grohl założył zespół jako jednoosobowy projekt po rozpadzie jego poprzedniego zespołu Nirvana w 1994. Po wydaniu Foo Fighters w 1995, do zespołu dołączyli Nate Mendel (gitara basowa), William Goldsmith (perkusja) i Pat Smear (gitara). Goldsmith opuścił zespół w czasie nagrywania drugiego albumu The Colour and the Shape (1997), wkrótce to samo zrobił Smear. Read more on

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