We Are The PeopleEmpire Of The Sun


We Are The People

Empire Of The Sun

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Tekst piosenki: We Are The People

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We can remember swimming in December
Heading for the city lights in 1975
We share in each other
Nearer than father
The scent of a lemon drips from your eyes
We are the people that rule the world
A force running in every boy and girl
All rejoicing in the world
Take me now, we can try
We lived an adventure
Love in the summer
Followed the sun until night
Reminiscing other times of life
For each every other
The feeling was stronger
The shock hit eleven,
Got lost in your eyes
I can't do well
When I think you're going to leave me
But I know I try
Are you going to leave me now?
Can't you be believing now?
I can't do well
When I think you're going to leave me
But I know I try
Are you going to leave me now?
Can't you be believing now?
Can you remember and humanize
It was still where we'd energized
Lie in the sand and visualize
Like it's '75 again
We are the people that rule the world
A force running in every boy and girl
All rejoicing in the world
Take me now, we can try
I can't do well
When I think you're going to leave me
But I know I try
Are you going to leave me now?
Can't you be believing now?
I can't do well
When I think you're going to leave me
But I know I try
Are you going to leave me now?
Can't you be believing now?
I know everything about you
You know everything about me
We know evereything about us
I know everything about you
You know everything about me
We know evereything about us
I can't do well
When I think you're going to leave me
But I know I try
Are you going to leave me now?
Can't you be believing now?
I can't do well
When I think you're going to leave me
But I know I try
Are you going to leave me now?
Can't you be believing now?
I can't do well
When I think you're going to leave me
But I know I try
Are you going to leave me now?
Can't you be believing now?

Brak tłumaczenia!



Empire of the Sun tworzą dwaj australijscy muzycy: Luke Steele (z zespołu The Sleepy Jackson) oraz Nick Littlemore (Pnau). Nazwa zespołu jest identyczna z tytułem powieści autorstwa J. G. Ballarda. Jednak muzycy nie nazwali swojej grupy bezpośrednio po lekturze książki; jak sami przyznają, ta nazwa "pasowała im bardziej niż jakakolwiek inna" Debiutancki album "Walking on a Dream" wydali 4. października 2008., z czego 6 utworów opublikowano tydzień wcześniej na MySpace. Read more on Last.fm

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