

Emerson, Lake & Palmer

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Tekst piosenki: Daddy

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It was a cold night in December
The snow lay on the ground
She was coming home from school one night
From the other side of town
It was getting late, there was something wrong
Then I heard the news
A TV Flash and by 9 o'clock
They'd found her socks and shoes

Daddy come and bring me home

I didn't know which way to turn
I was shaking like a leaf
I got into my car and drove
Searching every street
Has anybody seen her
Have you found my little girl
She's all I have, all I possess
And to me, she means the world

I can hear her calling
Daddy come and bring me home
Daddy, Daddy come and bring me home
Daddy, when are you gonna bring me home

As time went by each silent night
We knew all hope was gone
We knew the light had flickered
From the eyes that once had shone
They caught a man in a bar one night
He confessed to what he'd done
He'd laid her body out in some dark wood
Just didn't know which one,
Daddy, Daddy come and bring me home
Daddy, Daddy come and bring me home

I just couldn't leave her out there
Lying on her own
'Cause she belongs to me
And I belong to her
I know she rests in Heaven
With the angels on a throne
But now I hear her calling
Daddy, Daddy come and bring me home
Daddy come and bring me home
Daddy, Daddy come and bring me home
Daddy, Daddy come and bring me home

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Progresywne trio powstałe w 1970 roku. W skład zespołu wchodzą Keith Emerson (The Nice) - jeden z najlepszych klawiszowców w historii muzyki popularnej, Greg Lake (King Crimson) odpowiadający za gitary i wokal oraz Carl Palmer (Atomic Rooster, Asia) grający na perkusji i instrumentach perkusyjnych. Po wydaniu kilku albumów (poza słabym Love Beach), które na trwałe weszły do kanonów rocka progresywnego grupa zawiesiła działalność w 1978 roku. Read more on Last.fm

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