Hour Of The WolfElnur Hüseynov


Hour Of The Wolf

Elnur Hüseynov

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Tekst piosenki: Hour Of The Wolf

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I hold my breath, I´m on the edge
Storming hills, I´ve been lost and found
I hope they're coming, I can hear them running
I once met peace, he said that he
Soon would have the answers to this hurt
And my mind was made up, I would never give up
No I won't sleep tonight
If tomorrow comes I'll loose my mind
I won't give up my right,
I know every heart deserves a fight
I will beat on the drum, rise above with me
I will go till I'm numb, rise above with me
No I won't sleep tonight
They whine and roar, hungry for more
Yellow glowing eyes, I’m hypnotized
I feel brave yet scared, but I'll stay prepared
Oh have my soul, it’s destined
It’s written in the sky
Let me not be blinded by this hurt
Set him loose I’m ready
For the stars to guide me
No I won't sleep tonight
If tomorrow comes I'll loose my mind
No I won't sleep tonight
If tomorrow comes I'll loose my mind
I won't give up my right,
I know every heart deserves a fight
I will beat on the drum, rise above with me
I will go till I'm numb, rise above with me
No I won't sleep tonight
No I won't sleep tonight

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Elnur Hüseynov (ur. 7 marca 1987 w Aszchabadzie) – azerski piosenkarz, dwukrotny reprezentant kraju podczas Konkursu Piosenki Eurowizji w 2008 (razem z Samirem Cavadzadə) i 2015 roku, zwycięzca czwartej edycji programu Sound of Turkey w 2015 roku. Read more on Last.fm

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