Dschinghis Khan (ENG) – Dschinghis Khan


Dschinghis Khan (ENG)

Dschinghis Khan

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Tekst piosenki: Dschinghis Khan

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Hu, ha, hu, ha hu, ha, hu, ha
Hu, ha, hu, ha hu, ha, hu, ha
Hu, ha, hu, ha, hu, ha, hu, ha

They rode the fastest horses
Left the wind behind
Thousand men
Ha, hu, ha
And one man led the way
The others followed by:
Genghis Khan
Ha, hu, ha

They galloped over mountains and desert-sands
They carried desolation throughout the land
And nothing there could stop them in this world
Hu, ha

Gen Gen Genghis Khan
Hey, rider; ho, rider; go, rider
Let us follow
Gen Gen Genghis Khan
Hey, brother; ho, brother; hey, brother
Hear us holler

Who cares where we're going
Ho, ho, ho, ho
There's no way of knowing
Ha, ha, ha, ha
And we'll let the Devil take our souls

Gen Gen Genghis Khan
Hey, rider; ho, rider; go, rider
Let us follow
Gen Gen Genghis Khan
Go, brother; dream, brother; dance, brother
Hear us holler

You can hear his laughter
Ho, ho, ho, ho
Now and ever-after
Ha, ha, ha, ha
When he lifts his glass up in the air

He was the greatest lover
And the strongest man
Of his day
Ha, hu, ha
And we have heard that
All the women fell for him
So they say
Ha, hu, ha

And he bred seven children in one whole night
He had his girls around him at his very sight
And nothing that could stop him in this world
Hu, ha

Gen Gen Genghis Khan
Hey, rider; ho, rider; go, rider
Let us follow
Gen Gen Genghis Khan
Hey, brother; ho, brother; hey, brother
Hear us holler

Who cares where we're going
Ho, ho, ho, ho
There's no way of knowing
Ha, ha, ha, ha
And we'll let the Devil take our souls

Gen Gen Genghis Khan
Hey, rider; ho, rider; go, rider
Let us follow
Gen Gen Genghis Khan
Go, brother; dream, brother; dance, brother
Hear us holler

You can hear his laughter
Ho, ho, ho, ho
Now and ever-after
Ha, ha, ha, ha
When he lifts his glass up in the air

Brak tłumaczenia!



Dschinghis Khan – niemiecki zespół taneczny powstały pod koniec lat 70. Powstał z inspiracji niemieckiego duetu kompozytorów muzyki pop: Ralpha Siegela oraz Bernda Meinungera. W 1979 zespół wystąpił w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji, z piosenką Dschinghis Khan, która zajęła 4 miejsce. To wystarczyło do zdobycia dużej popularności w Niemczech, Związku Radzieckim oraz Japonii. Dyskontowano ją kolejnymi singlami i płytami długogrającymi. Read more on Last.fm

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