Keep You CloseDeus


Keep You Close


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Tekst piosenki: Keep You Close

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You were young, you had time on your hands
And I, was a rollercoaster of the kind
That needs to ride so high
To dive so low
All the time I had to keep you close

Now I finally know how it must of hurt
To see all of the love and care only work
A little while and then I'd go
All the time I had to keep you close

What you feel is what you get
You know there is no answer fit
We broke the code so long ago
I'm going to keep you ever close
Just like on the day we met
You pulling on me like a cigarette
So like the sea holds to the shore
I'm going to keep you ever close

Now the years have a way to make you forget
That we're still in the same place
No hurry yet
The path we're on is the path we chose
I'll still remember how to keep you close

Linger on, linger on in the scheme of things
We are only inhabiting our own dreams
They don't come true, it's the way it goes
And in the meantime I will hold you close

Cause in my heart and in my head
You are the only dream I dreamt
Fear will keep me on my toes
I'm going to keep you ever close

Just like on the day we met
I'm pulling on you like a cigarette
So like the sea holds to the shore
I'm going to keep you ever close

What you feel is what you get

So is this what they mean about moving on
Is this really the end you won't stick around
The one that stays, you're the one that throws
Out the one that has kept you close

And is this definition of constant change
A transformission of what we hope stays the same
Cold's the breeze that forever blows
Warm are the hands that have kept you close

Coldness is what lays ahaed
So when I see you should I just pretend
The flower's cut but it still grows
I'm going to keep you ever close

Just like on the day we met
I'm pulling on you like a cigarette
So like the sea holds to the shore
I'm going to keep you ever close
I'm going to keep you ever close

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dEUS to alternatywno-rockowy zespół z Belgii, powstały w 1989 roku w Antwerpii. Na swoim koncie mają 8 albumów. OBECNY SKŁAD ZESPOŁU: * Tom Barman – śpiew, gitara * Klaas Janzoons – instrumenty klawiszowe, skrzypce * Stéphane Misseghers – perkusja * Alan Gevaert – gitara basowa * Mauro Pawlowski – gitara, śpiew ALBUMY * Worst Case Scenario (1994) * My Sister = My Clock (1995) * In a Bar, Under the Sea (1996) Read more on

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