Blood and tearsDanzig


Blood and tears


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Tekst piosenki: Blood and tears

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Blood and tears
Blood and tears
Since you've been gone
I hear you've been crying
Blood and tears
All alone
In your misery
So alone
Could you have
Been deceived
Since I've been gone
I hear you been crying
You cry a thousand tears
Darling don't despair
I know your heart still bleeds
Darling don't you care
There's blood in your tears
All alone
In your misery
All alone
You are lost
Since you've been gone
I hear you been crying
You cry a thousand tears
Darling don't despair
I know your heart still bleeds
Darling don't you care
You cry a thousand tears
Darling don't despair
I know your heart still bleeds
Darling don't you care
There's blood in your tears
You cry a thousand tears
Darling don't despair
I know your heart still bleeds
Darling don't you care
You cry a thousand tears
Darling don't despair
I know your heart still bleeds
Darling don't you care
There's blood in your tears
There's blood in your tears
Blood and tears
Blood and tears
Blood and tears

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Danzig - amerykańska grupa byłego lidera Misfits, Glenna Allena Anzalone bardziej znanego pod pseudonimem Glenn Danzig, powstała poprzez zmianę nazwy w 1987 r. z Samhain. Muzyka zespołu jest ciężka a zarazem subtelna i wyrafinowana z wyczuwalnym wpływem twórczości Black Sabbath, śpiew Glenna, na wcześniejszych albumach, może nasuwać skojarzenia z takimi wokalistami jak Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley czy też Johnny Cash. Albumy: * Danzig - 1988

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