Let's twist againChubby Checker


Let's twist again

Chubby Checker

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Tekst piosenki: Let's twist again

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Come on everybody!
Clap your hands!
All you looking good!

I'm goona sing my song
It won't take long!
We're gonna do the twist
And it goes like this:

Come on let's twist again,
Like we did last summer!
Yeaaah, let's twist again,
Like we did last year!

Do you remember when,
Things were really hummin',
Yeaaaah, let's twist again,
Twistin' time is here!

Heeee, and round and round
And up and down we go again!
Oh, baby, make me know you love me sooooo,
And then:

Twist again,
Like we did last summer,
Come on, let's twist again,
Like we did last year!


Who's that, flyin up there?
Is it a bird? Noooooo
Is it a plane? Noooooooo
Is it the twister? YEAAAAAAAHH!

Twist again, like we did last summer,
Come on, Let's twist again,
Like we did last year!!!!

Do you remember when,
Things were really hummin',
Come on, let's twist again,
Twistin' time is here

Heeee, and round and round
And up and down we go again!
Oh, baby, make me know, you love me sooooo!
And then:
Come on, twist again,
Like we did last summer,
Let's twist again,
Like we did last year!

Come on, let's twist again,
Twistin' time is heeeere!

Brak tłumaczenia!



Chubby Checker - amerykański wokalista, urodzony 3 Pazdziernika 1941r. Prawdziwe nazwisko Ernest Evans w 1960 roku napisał piosenkę "Twist". W krótkim czasie piosenka podbiła amerykańskie listy przebojów i tym samym zapoczątkowała modę na twista. Read more on Last.fm

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