ReverieChris Isaak



Chris Isaak

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Tekst piosenki: Reverie

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Where do you go when it's over
When the reverie goes up in flames
There's no such thing as tomorrow
When you love me then leave me this way
I know that it's over
Till you need me,again
Your eyes avoid me,
It's a game that I can't win
Wish I could be like you
And have a heart that can't be broken
Where do you go when it's over
When the reverie goes up in flames
There's no such thing as tomorrow
When you love me then leave me this way
You say you love me
But you never say my name
Is there someone else
Do you treat him just the same
Oh you hide it well
I wish I knew just what you're thinking
Where do you go when it's over
When the reverie goes up in flames
There's no such thing as tomorrow
When you love me then leave me this way

Brak tłumaczenia!



Christopher Joseph Isaak znany szerzej jako Chris Isaak (urodzony 26 czerwca 1956r. w Stockton, Kalifornia) jest amerykańskim piosenkarzem i aktorem. Jego styl to mieszanka country, bluesa, rock'n'rolla, popu i surf rocka. Ten ,najbardziej znany z przeboju "Wicked Game", muzyk podpisał w 1984 kontrakt z Warner Bros. Records na pierwszy album "Silvertone". Jego utwory gościły w kilku filmach w "Dzikość serca", "Oczy szeroko zamknięte" czy "Family Man". Read more on

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