Under a Violet MoonBlackmore's Night


Under a Violet Moon

Blackmore's Night

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Tekst piosenki: Under a Violet Moon

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Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Dancing to
The feel of the drum
Leave this world behind

We'll have a drink
And toast to ourselves
Under a violet moon

Tudor Rose
With the hair in curls
Will make you turn and stare

Try to steal
A kiss at the bridge
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Cheers to the Knights
And days of olde
The beggars and the thieves

Living in
An enchanted wood
Under a violet moon

Fortune teller
What to you see
Future in a card

Share your secreds
Tell them to me
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Close your eyes
And lose yourself
In a medieval mood

Taste the treasure
And sing the tunes
Under a violet moon

Tis my delight
On a shiny night
The season of the year

To keep the lanterns
Burning bright
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats
And your glasses too
We will dance
The whole night through

We're going back
To a time we knew
Under a violet

Under a violet

Under a violet moon

Brak tłumaczenia!



Blackmore's Night to zespół muzyczny tworzony przez Ritchiego Blackmore'a oraz jego żonę, Candice Night. Muzykę zespołu można określić jako inspirowany muzyką renesansową folk rock. Muzycy - * Ritchie Blackmore - gitara, mandolina, domra * Candice Night - śpiew, róg, flet, teksty * Sisters Of The Moon: Lady Madeline & Lady Nancy - śpiew * Lord Marnen of Wolfhurst * Sir Robert of Normandie - gitara basowa * Squire Malcolm of Lumley - perkusja Read more on Last.fm

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