Behind the grey – Paradise Lost ›
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Tekst piosenki: Behind the grey
I can't see much truth in what's being spoken
I can't see much hope in what lays broken
I can't see much truth in what's being spoken
I can't see much hope in what lays broken
I've seen it many times
Prey for that day
When you'll leave behind the grey
Prey for that day
When your feet could walk on different Soil
You've felt an omen
"Oh another"
I've heard this many times
When I speak, silence
So assured that you could find
I seek it more
Prey for that day
When you'll leave behind the grey
Prey for that day
When your feet could walk on different Soil
I can't see much truth in what's being spoken
I can't see much hope in what lays broken
Prey for that day
When you'll leave behind the grey
Prey for that day
When your feet could walk on different Soil
Prey for that day
When you'll leave behind the grey
Prey for that day, and that night you came
You came and saw the earth
Brak tłumaczenia!
Brytyjski zespół doom/gothic metalowy z Halifax, założony w 1988 roku. Wymieniany obok Anathemy, Katatonii i My Dying Bride jako pionier gatunku "death/doom metal". Paradise Lost są w zasadzie nieznani w swoim rodzimym kraju, lecz przez wiele lat byli bardzo popularni w wielu krajach Europy - zwłaszcza w Grecji i Niemczech, gdzie osiągnęli status metalowej supergwiazdy. Mimo, iż na ogół nazywa się ich twórcami gothic metalu, w trakcie kariery wiele razy szli w dalekie od metalu kierunki
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Inne piosenki Paradise Lost (19)
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