Down On My KneesAyo


Down On My Knees


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Tekst piosenki: Down On My Knees

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Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Please, please don't leave me
Do you really think
She(he) can love you more than me,
Do you really, really think so
Do you really think
She(he) can give you more than me,
Baby I know she won't
Cause I loved you, unconditionally,
I gave you even more than,
I had to give
I was willing for you to die,
Cause you were more precious to me,
Than my own life
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Please, please don't leave me
I won't believe, that you really,
Really, wanna leave me,
Just because of her(him)
Have you forgot about,
All the things, we've been through,
She(He) was not the one,
Who was there for you
See, I loved you unconditionally,
I gave you even more than,I had to give
I was willing for you to die,
Cause you were more precious to me,
Than my own life
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Please, please don't leave me
Don't leave me,
I'm begging,
I love you,
I need you,
I'm dying,
I'm crying,
I'm begging,
Please love me
I love you,
I love you,
I'm begging,
Please love me,
I'm dying,
I'm crying,
Please don't leave me,
No, no, no, no, no
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Down on my knees, I'm begging you,
Down on my knees, down on my knees,
I'm begging you,you you you you
Down on my knees, Down on my knees
Down on my knees, I'm begging youuuu

Brak tłumaczenia!


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Istnieje więcej niż jeden wykonawca, występujący pod nazwą Ayo. 1. Ayo (Ayo Nelson-Homiah) - żyjący w Berlinie niemiecki muzyk. 2. Ayo - szwedzki raper. Poprawny tag dla niemieckiej piosenkarki wykonującej muzykę z pogranicza soul/reggae/folk, to Ayọ. Prosimy o poprawne opisanie swoich pików muzycznych.

Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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