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Tekst piosenki: The Eagle Has Landed
Cut through the clouds
With the speed of a demon
I am as I was as I will be
Lord of this world can you hear me?
I'm screaming!
God above all things beneath me
Oh! Ah ha ha ha!
What a sensation
What a sensation
Can you feel it?
Can you see what I see?
I'm drowning in lights
The lights
Ladies and gentlemen
Your hero has returned again
Everything is going to be okay-ay-ay-ay
Ladies and gentlemen
Your shepherd and your very best friend
Bow your head
The man is here to stay-ay-ay-ay
Pitiful one, you speak without seeing
Intruder, you came uninvited
The hunt has begun
And soon you'll be bleeding
Stare at the night sky, ignited
Oh! Ah ha ha ha!
What a sensation
What a sensation
Can you feel it?
Can you see what I see?
I'm drowning in lights
The lights
Ladies and gentlemen
Your hero has returned again
Everything is going to be okay-ay-ay-ay
Ladies and gentlemen
Your shepherd and your very best friend
Bow your head
The man is here to stay-ay-ay-ay
Ladies and gentlemen
Your hero has returned again
Everything is going to be okay-ay-ay-ay
Ladies and gentlemen
Your shepherd and your very best friend
Bow your head
The man is here to stay-ay-ay-ay
Brak tłumaczenia!
Brak teledysku
Zespół z gatunku melodic death metal, założony latem 2001 roku przez perkusistę Johna Alfredssona i wokalistę Christiana Rimmi. Początkowo nosili nazwę Lost Soul. Obecny skład: Johannes Michael Gustaf Eckerström - wokal John Alfredsson - perkusja Jonas Jarlsby - gitara, wokal wspierający Henrik Sandelin - gitara basowa Simon Andersson - gitara dyskografia 4 Reasons to Die (EP - 2004) Personal Observations (Démo - 2004) Thoughts of No Tomorrow (CD - 2006)
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