HurricaneAnson Seabra



Anson Seabra

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Tekst piosenki: Hurricane

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Oh, you were my hurricane
'Cause in your eyes, I felt so safe
And in them, I found shelter from the storm
The rain would pour, the waves would break
And in my lowest, coldest place
You were always there to keep me warm
And even when the wind would roar
You were such a perfect storm
And even when you left me broke and cold
There is nothing I want more
Oh, you were my hurricane
’Cause somehow the more time you stayed
The damage just kept getting worse and worse
While power lines were breaking free
The maelstrom started shaking me
The scars that you would leave began to hurt
And even when the wind would roar
You were such a perfect storm
And even when you left me broke and cold
There is nothing I want more
Oh, you were my hurricane
'Cause when you finally dissipated
There was nothing left of both of us
The sea was still, the sky was grey
But now with no more hurricane
There was nothing left for me to run from
And even when the wind would roar
You were such a perfect storm
And even when you left me broke and cold
There is nothing I want more
And even when you left me broke and cold
There is nothing I want more

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

Inne piosenki Anson Seabra (100)

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