A horse With No NameAmerica


A horse With No Name


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Tekst piosenki: A horse With No Name

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

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On the first part of the journey
I was looking at all the life
There were plants and birds and rocks and
There was sand and hills and rings
The first thing I met was a fly with a buzz
And the sky with no clouds
The heat was hot and the ground was dry
But the air was full of sound
I've been through the desert on a horse with
No name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no
La la la la la la
After two days in the desert sun
My skin began to turn red
And after three days in the desert fun
I was looking at a river bed
And the story it told of a river that flowed
Made me sad to think it was dead
You see I've been through the desert on
a horse
With no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no
La la la la la la
After nine days I let the horse run free
'Cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and
There was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with its life
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love
You see I've been through the desert on a
Horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no
La la la la la la

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Brak teledysku


America - zespół rockowy, działający w latach 60, kojarzony z ruchem hippisowskim. Grupa wytworzyła specyficzne brzmienie łączące muzykę psychodeliczną z folkiem, stając się tym samym jednym ze sztandarowych zespołów ruchu. Grupę można przyporządkować również do kilku innych muzycznych kategorii - zwłaszcza sunshine pop, reprezentowany przez zespoły takie jak The Mamas and the Papas czy The Byrds. Jej teksty podejmowały zazwyczaj tematy drogi, epifanii dzikiej przyrody oraz samotnego poszukiwania sensu życia.

Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

Inne piosenki America (100)

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