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Tekst piosenki: Crystalline

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

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My precious faith got lost and found
Still thinking of you
It is engraved in fallen vines
Still linger with you
I didn't break, I didn't change
I didn't close my heart
Will we ever see, will we ever learn
What is real and what is true?
I can hear you
You are afar
But I know my heart is crystalline
Don't fall down now
This is a start
And I know your heart is crystalline
I cannot wait, been long enough
Still burning for you
When will I be forever locked
Inside of your heart?
I'm not afraid, have no regrets
I am prepared to dive
Into your world, where I belong
That is real and that is true
I can hear you
You are afar
But I know my heart is crystalline
Don't fall down now
This is a start
And I know your heart is crystalline
I can hear you
You are afar
And I know your heart
I can hear you
You are afar
But I know my heart is crystalline
Don't fall down now
This is a start
And I know your heart
I can hear you
You are afar
But I know my heart is crystalline
Don't fall down now
This is a start
And I know your heart is crystalline

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Szwedzko-duński projekt utworzony w 2008 roku, wykonujący mieszankę power metalu z melodic death metalem, przez niektórych dość ogólnie określany jako modern metal. Ich cechą charakterystyczną jest aż trzech wokalistów. Skład zespołu: - Elize Ryd (wokal) - Jake E. Lundberg (czysty wokal) - Henrik Englund (growl) - Olof Mörck (gitara, klawisze) - Johan Andreassen (gitara basowa) - Morten Løwe Sørensen (perkusja) Dyskografia: - Demo (2009) - Amaranthe (2011) - The Nexus (2013) - Massive Addictive (2014) Read more on

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Inne piosenki Amaranthe (100)

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