Don't Answear Me (Oryginalnie) – Alan Parsons Project ›
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Tekst piosenki: Don't Answear Me
If you believe in the power of magic,
I can change your mind
And if you need to believe in someone,
Turn and look behind
When we were living in a dream world,
Clouds got in the way
We gave it up in a moment of madness
And threw it all away
Don't answer me, don't break the silence
Don't let me win
Don't answer me, stay on your island
Don't let me in
Run away and hide from everyone
Can you change the things we've said and done?
If you believe in the power of magic,
It's all a fantasy
So if you need to believe in someone,
Just pretend it's me
It ain't enough that we meet as strangers
I can't set you free
So will you turn your back forever on what you mean to me?
Don't answer me, don't break the silence
Don't let me win
Don't answer me, stay on your island
Don't let me in
Run away and hide from everyone
Can you change the things we've said and done?
Don't answer me, don't break the silence
Don't let me win
Don't answer me, stay on your island
Don't let me in
Run away and hide from everyone
Don't answer me, don't break the silence
Don't let me win
Don't answer me, stay on your island
Don't let me in
Can you change the things we've said and done?
Don't answer me, don't break the silence
Don't let me win
Don't answer me, stay on your island
Don't let me in
Run away and hide from everyone
Brak tłumaczenia!
Grupa grająca rock progresywny, której trzonem był Alan Parsons - wszechstronnie utalentowany muzyk i kompozytor, który zasłynął jako inżynier dźwięku pracując w studio EMI z muzykami grup The Beatles oraz Pink Floyd. Odpowiadał za brzmienie rewolucyjnej jak na tamte lata płyty "Dark Side of the Moon". W tworzeniu muzyki Parsons wspierany był przez Erica Woolfsona - autora tekstów. Przez skład zespołu przewinęło się wielu mniej lub bardziej znanych muzyków, głównie sesyjnych. Read more on Last.fm
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