Nikkio-cover – Mad World

1 481 56 6 17 marca 2022

nikkio Plus

2166 subskrybentów

Mad World, standing ovation but people and children are dying in Ukraine 🙁 Ukraine asks the world political leaders (NATO) to “close the sky” above Ukraine in order to prevent bombing of Ukrainian cities and killing of innocent civilians. A brave leaders of the world are those who unafraid to stand up for what is right. Do we have any ?Silence some of the leaders of the world in the present situation in Ukraine means supporting evil 🙁 To nagranie postanowilam nagrac jeszcze raz calosc na zyczenie Pana @everam, ktory napisal, ze poprzednie nagranie pod tym samym tytulem bylo za krotkie 😊 Slava Ukrainie ! ❤❤❤ #Ukraina#ising#cover

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