Elton John – Your Song

224 3 6 30 grudnia 2020

soswald67 Plus

521 subskrybentów

My twenty-fourth recording. “Your Song”, by “Elton John”.What a really good song,sung by the well famous singer “Elton John” to end my last song of the year 2020.This year was really crazy,but in the year 2021 will be the year of healing,and getting things back to normal like they have been before this all started,and remember,this song is your song.

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4 komentarze

  • akina7

    You sound great 🎤🎤 I also wish you happy New Year, with a lot od new recordings 😊😊

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    • soswald67 Plus

      @akina7 Thank you very much.You will be hearing a lot of my recordings in 2021.I also wish you a happy new year too.😊😊🎉🎉🎊🎊


  • midnightbloo Plus

    You are right, this is a perfect song to end this year... that's why I tried so hard to record it myself before the old year ends. Unfortunately, my voice doesn't seem to be ready for such a challenge (Elton is an excellent singer!!), so maybe next year 😉😉 ( I hope!). It was a pleasure to listen to your performance 🙂🙂. I hope we'll record many, many great covers in 2021 🙂🙂

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