Viki Gabor, Kayah – Ramię W Ramię

2 301 77 5.9 23 listopada 2020

nikkio Plus

2170 subskrybentów

Z okazji nadchodzacych "Andrzejek"" serdeczna dedykacja dla wszystkich Andrzejow oraz wszystkich osob, ktorzy obchodza urodziny lub imieniny w listopadzie 😊 ❤ 😘 @anrad @andrzej3108 @leno Dedyczek leci takze dla Pana Andrzeja M. ze Stalowej Woli, bliskiego przyjaciela naszej rodziny ❤ Milego odbioru dla wszystkich sluchaczy 😊 ❤ Google translation from Polish to English : Aaaa We're moving into the distance I use a spell to open the door Goddess in us He's humming with all his strength You have a sister in me, you know well In the dark I will take you by the hand Be sure you won't get lost No no My beloved dance And don't regret any of the moments We'll go hand in hand together We are changing this world Supporting yes Because no lady will be dancing alone When the sisters have so much When he is among us So my dear dance Like a rose's thorn Their words hurt more than once There will be no tears Because finally time is on my side You have a sister in me to the end We will not get lost among the winding roads Be sure you will not get lost No no We'll go hand in hand together We are changing this world Supporting yes Because no lady will be dancing alone When the sisters have so much When he is among us So my dear dance My beloved dance Never compare yourself Each one is unique So appreciate your self Because each of us is the most precious treasure We'll go hand in hand together We are changing this world Supporting yes Because no lady will be dancing alone When the sisters have so much When he is among us We'll go hand in hand together We are changing this world Supporting yes Because no lady will be dancing alone When the sisters have so much When he is among us So my dear dance My beloved, dance When you are among us My beloved dance #nikkio #vikigabor #ising#cover#gabor

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