Maryla Rodowicz – Łatwopalni

1 104 63 6 1 listopada 2020

nikkio Plus

2164 subskrybentów

Ku pamieci wszystkich zmarlych i naszych najblizszych ❤❤❤ Takze ku pamieci Eweliny z Ising [*] , ktora zaspiewala ten utwor przepieknie ❤,Maryla_Rodowicz-Latwopalni oraz innych znanym nam osobom z Ising, ktorzy odeszli [*] ale wciaz sa z nami aktualni poprzez ich utwory i zatrzymali sie w naszej pamieci na zawsze ❤ Google translation from Polish to English: Flames - lyrics I know people of stone What will last forever I know paper people What they throw in the wind And we are so flammable We run into the fire To live harder And we are so flammable So ridiculously lame Literally too I know you can live differently Cheat, save time I know how cold it can be When it's all glass And we are so flammable We run into the fire To live harder And we are so flammable So ridiculously lame Literally too the world between the lines The greatest one hid a treasure You know - in this place sometimes One of us is leaving One of us is leaving One of us is leaving #marylarodowicz

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