Andios – Do widzenia przyjaciele

1 199 34 6 15 czerwca 2018

nikkio Plus

2178 subskrybentów

❤❤❤❤❤ 15 czerwca o 6 wieczorem mam zakonczenie 8 klasy a w ostatnia sobote bylo zakonczenie 8 klasy Polskiej Szkoly. Dedykuja ta piosenke dla moich przyjaciol oraz dla tych wszystkich studentow, ktorzy w tym roku koncza 8 klase ❤ Zycze duzo sukcesow na dalsza droge ❤ Dziekuje wszystkim sluchaczom za chwile uwagi i komentarze ❤ 😘 Dziekuje silus za dodanie podkladu😊 Goodbye Friends The last time the doorbell rang, quickly passed these few years Each of us probably shed a tear before it will go away into the wide world! Goodbye Friends of the Common issues we had many Today, this thread is cut off something ends and something begins Somewhere on the bench is the heart that plucked Jolce or Elka Some initial left the first love for many years Goodbye Friends of the Common issues we had many Today, this thread is cut off something ends and something begins It's hard to say goodbye, but you have to give me a parting smile These moments that we experienced here will be in the heart for many years. Goodbye Friends of the Common issues we had many Today, this thread is cut off something ends and something begins GOODBYE!

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