James Blunt – You're Beautiful

165 0 6 22 lutego 2018


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5 komentarzy

  • malakaxd

    just feel good in you. be carefull Lady, beybe ❤
    when all will be ❤
    be caredull too. 🙂🙂
    not paranoic, just
    Love is Most powerfull beacon for Loved"
    Cannot be destructed. So take care for "Loved"
    Incrise the fire so make him atronger
    "loving barrier"
    Everything will be good.
    Never thing negative of it.
    fucking placebo and autostion.
    That is enemy with negatives vibration.


  • ghouliayelps

    moje ulubione

    +2 Odpowiedz Ocena 6/6

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