"Dude, where's my cell phone"
Today is the beginning a living without you. How would I think this space in the time that you left behind... Today is the beginning a living without you. How would I think this space in the time that you left behind... I lost mobile phone. Where is it gone? Hey dude, where's my cell phone? Perhaps was stolen, I'm so fallen. I lost mobile phone. Where is it gone? Hey dude, where's my cell phone? Perhaps was stolen, I'm so fallen. I never really thought that losing you would make me feel so lost. Now paying the cost. I'm so fallen. Days and nights we were together, really nothing could us stop. Without you I can't even pop. I'm so fallen. Today is the beginning a living without you. How would I think this space in the time that you left behind. Today is the beginning a living without you. How would I think this space in the time that you left behind.
Zginęła mi komóra, ukradli mi smartfona. A ona tam pewnie czeka i kona. Ona czeka na człowieka, martwi się czemu ja nie dzwonie, jej serce płonie. Mogę przysiąc że rano go jeszcze miałem bo poczte i Fejsbooka przecież sprawdzałem. Co ja teraz zrobię, miałem tam tyle ważnych numerów ulubionych frajerów. Jak będzie wyglądało teraz moje życie? Jak. Jak będzie wyglądało teraz moje picie? Jak. Rety, rety moje tajne sekrety. Rety, rety moje tajne sekrety. Słono zapłace. Sobie tego nie wybacze, zginęła mi komóra, ukradli mi smartfona. Ona tam pewnie czeka i kona. Czeka ikona...
Today is the beginning a living without you. How would I think this space in the time that you left behind... Today is the beginning a living without you. How would I think this space in the time la la laa... I lost mobile phone. Where is it gone? Hey dude, where's my cell phone? Perhaps was stolen, I'm so fallen. I lost mobile phone. Where is it gone? Hey dude, where's my cell phone? Perhaps was stolen, I'm so fallen. I'm so fallen. Hello Police, hello Police help me, help me, please. Hello Police, hello Police, help me please, please. I'm so fallen.
Today is the beginning a living without you. How would I think this space in the time that you left behind... Today is the beginning a living without you. How would I think this space in the time that you left behind...
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