The Doors – Love Her Madly

64 2 6 20 stycznia 2021

midnightbloo Plus

50 subskrybentów

Czasem co za dużo prób to niezdrowo! Strasznie lubię tego Doorsa, więc musiałam nagrać natychmiast 😃

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6 komentarzy

  • maszka83 Plus


    Odpowiedz Ocena 6/6

  • 7even

    super 🙂🙂


  • soswald67 Plus

    Very good.I will have to put this on my list of songs to record.I know sometimes doing too many tries can be unhealthy,but in the long run it teaches you how to get it right.I sometimes go through that with songs,and get them right,and proud of it.You did this song great!!


    • midnightbloo Plus

      @soswald67 Thank you!! 🙂🙂 My 'method' is to sing as many songs as possible ( I like it 😉😉 ), which of course doesn't mean I sing them well! I just try to practice a lot. And after some time, after many hours of singing it turns out that some of the songs sound much better and I finally dare to record them 😉😉. I still have plenty of great songs on my list to sing, but I realise I am still not able to sing them properly 😉😉. Good luck on your covers ! 🙂🙂


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