Zuzanna Trąd – Not about angels-Birdy (TFiOS)

1 298 3 5.4 2 lipca 2014


17 subskrybentów

Uwielbiam wszystkie książki Johna Greena ale ta z pewnością jest moją ulubioną.Liczę na to,że spodobało się Wam moje wykonanie tej piosenki choć do oryginału jej daleko 🙂 "We know full well there's just time. So is it wrong to toss this line? If your heart was full of love, Could you give it up? 'Cause what about, what about Angels? They will come, they will go, make us special. Don't give me up. Don't give... Me up. How unfair it's just our love. Found something real that's out of touch. But if you'd search the whole wide world. Would you dare to let it go? 'Cause what about, what about Angels? They will come, they will go, make us special. Don't give me up. Don't give... Me up. 'Cause what about, what about Angels? They will come, they will go and make us special. It's not about, not about Angels. Angels."

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