SilverWoods Of Ypres



Woods Of Ypres

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Tekst piosenki: Silver

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Come when you need me,
Leave me when you need to be free
Come when you want me,
Leave me when you need me to understand
Did you fall out of love,
Because you fell in love again?
Did you fall out of love,
Because you fell in love, with someone new?
When the new love,
Shined with all the promise
Of all I couldn't give to you
And the new life
Offered all you wanted,
And you had to choose
I helped to carry you,
I took good care of you,
I wanted us to continue
But I knew, that you would leave,
When the time was right for you
Life was a relay, I passed it off to you
You ran away, and won the race
You never looked back,
To see what happened to me,
For I was only second place
When the new love,
Shined with all the promise
Of all I couldn't give to you
And the new life
Offered all you wanted,
And you were asked to choose
We come together to share your sorrows -
Where you save yourself for someone else
You keep your distance in times of hope,
While I cry for you all by myself
When you're silver,
You never come first,
When you're silver,
The truth always hurts
I don't want unconditional love,
I'll always need to be judged
I don't want a traditional love,
I'll always need to be wanted by someone else
When did the city make you so cold?
We share your sorrows, but I dine alone
When did the city make you so cold?
I cry alone, while you dine with someone else
When did the city make you so cold?
We cry together, but I dine alone
When did the city make you so cold?
We share your sorrows, but I dine alone
I always dine alone

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Woods of Ypres - kapela powstała w Toronto, Kanada, w roku 2002. Ich styl gry określany jest często, jako doom metal z wpływami bardziej mrocznej atmosfery. Wytwórnia, która wydaje ich płyty to Krankenhaus Records, a prowadzi ją David Gold. Wood of Ypres powstało w roku 2002 z inicjatywy Davida Golda, Arona Palmera oraz Briana McManusa. W tym samym roku nagrali pierwsze demo zatytułowane Against the Seasons: Cold Winter Songs from the Dead Summer Heat.

Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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