Alternate EndingWoods Of Ypres


Alternate Ending

Woods Of Ypres

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Tekst piosenki: Alternate Ending

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In the darkness,
Under the stars,
With enough warning,
To pull off to the side, in time
In the end,
Was there anyone to share in your joy?
I woke up one day
And realized it was already over
Back On the highway,
Under the moon,
My final moments
Still wondering about you
In the end,
Was there anyone to share in your joy?
I woke up for years without you,
To realize it was already over, for me
Now making amendments
To the story
Changing the ending,
As I would like it, to be
We were together,
In a memory
And We live forever,
In finality
Holding on
To a dream
When the end
Couldn't come slow enough for me
Holding on
Holding on
Holding on
Holding on
Holding on
Holding on
Holding on

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Woods of Ypres - kapela powstała w Toronto, Kanada, w roku 2002. Ich styl gry określany jest często, jako doom metal z wpływami bardziej mrocznej atmosfery. Wytwórnia, która wydaje ich płyty to Krankenhaus Records, a prowadzi ją David Gold. Wood of Ypres powstało w roku 2002 z inicjatywy Davida Golda, Arona Palmera oraz Briana McManusa. W tym samym roku nagrali pierwsze demo zatytułowane Against the Seasons: Cold Winter Songs from the Dead Summer Heat.

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