Don't let the old man inToby Keith


Don't let the old man in

Toby Keith

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Tekst piosenki: Don't let the old man in

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Don't let the old man in
I want to live me some more
Can't leave it up to him
He's knocking on my door
And I knew all of my life
That someday it would end
Get up and go outside
Don't let the old man in
Many moons I have lived
My body's weathered and worn
Ask yourself how old you'd be
If you didn't know the day you were born
Try to love on your wife
And stay close to your friends
Toast each sundown with wine
Don't let the old man in
Many moons I have lived
My body's weathered and worn
Ask yourself how old you'd be
If you didn't know the day you were born
When he rides up on his horse
And you feel that cold bitter wind
Look out your window and smile
Don't let the old man in
Look out your window and smile
Don't let the old man in

Brak tłumaczenia!



Toby Keith Covel (ur. 8 lipca, 1961), bardziej znany jako Toby Keith, Amerykański muzyk country piosenkarz-tekściarz, producent i aktor

Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

Inne piosenki Toby Keith (100)

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