The Madness Of It All (original) – The Ward Brothers


The Madness Of It All (original)

The Ward Brothers

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Tekst piosenki: The Madness Of It All

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Driving down let the dice roll
Destination no-one knows
Somewhere in heaven through the pearly gates
This one way ticket buys a empty space
To see the sunshine or the madness of it all

Vacant eyes gaze through the cracks
Drying cups hung up on the rack
Souvenirs for the Eastern Block
We travelled first class in a metal box
To see the sunshine or the madness of it all

The midnight boat sails through the tide
The ferryman takes us to the other side
Life on a knife edge is a life condemned
I need your lovin' but they sapped my strength
To see the sunshine or the madness of it all
The madness of it all

Somewhere in heaven through the pearly gates
This one way ticket buys a empty space
To see the sunshine or the madness of it all

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku



Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

Inne piosenki The Ward Brothers (100)

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