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Tekst piosenki: DREAMCATCHER

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Sometime long ago
We dreamed out of windows
Then we grew shields
And walls are all we seek

One time there was hope
It drifts away so slow
In poppy fields
We've all been put to sleep

I won't sleep again
Thunder in my head
But I'm done waiting for rainbows
My slumber won't end
Hiding in the shadows
Living with eyes wide open
Swimming into the light
I follow the path I've chosen
Out where there are dreams alive
I know I can't fix what's broken
If I just pretend to try
I'll follow the path I've chosen
Searching in the endless night

Through this looking glass
I turn and I look back
It's hide-and-seek
I don't know which one's me
Counting sheep again
The plans of mice and men
If I fall asleep
Tell me that you'll wake me

Will you wake me?
Nightmares in my head
They have come back to haunt me
I won't run again
With you there's no worry
Living with eyes wide open
Swimming into the light
I'll follow the path I've chosen
Out where there are dreams alive
I know I can't fix what's broken
If I just pretend to try
I'll follow the path I've chosen
Searching in the endless night
Along the way I started to sleep
And ran from the nightmares inside
But I won't let the shadows in me
Trap me alive
I'm bringing my dark to the light

Living with eyes wide open
Swimming into the light
I'll follow the path I've chosen
Out where there are dreams alive
I know I can't fix what's broken
If I just pretend to try
I'll follow the path I've chosen
Searching in the endless night

Brak tłumaczenia!


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Starset to amerykański zespół rockowy pochodzący z Columbus w stanie Ohio, założony przez Dustina Bates w 2013 roku. Swój debiutancki album Transmissions wydali tego samego roku, a ich drugi krążek - Vessels - zobaczył światło dzienne w 2017 roku. Aktualni członkowie: Dustin Bates – głowny wokal, keyboard, soundboard, gitara Ron DeChant – bass, keyboard, backing vocals Brock Richards – głowny gitarzysta, backing vocals Adam Gilbert – perkusja

Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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