Through the BarricadesSpandau Ballet


Through the Barricades

Spandau Ballet

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Tekst piosenki: Through the Barricades

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Mother doesn't know where love has gone
She says it must be youth
That keeps us feeling strong
I see it in her face, that's turned to ice
And when she smiles she shows the lines
Of sacrifice
And now I know what they're saying
'Cause our sun begins to fade
And we made our love on wasteland
And through the barricades
Father made my history
He fought for what he thought
Would set us somehow free
He taught me what to say in school
I learned it off by heart
But now that's torn in two
And now I know what they're saying
In the music of the parade
We made our love on wasteland
And through the barricades
Born on different sides of life
We feel the same and feel all of this strife
So come to me when I'm asleep
We'll cross the line
And dance upon the street
And now I know what they're saying
There's the drums begin to fade
We made our love on wasteland
And through the barricades
Oh, turn around and I'll be there
Oh, there's a scar through my heart but
I'll bare it again
Oh, I thought we were the human race
But we were just another borderline case
And the stars reach down and tell us
There's always one escape
Oh, I don't know where love has gone
And in this trouble land
Desperation keeps us strong
Friday's child is full of soul
With nothing left to lose, there's everything
to go
And now I know what they're are saying
It's a terrible beauty we've made
So we make our love on wasteland
And through the barricades
Now I know what they're are saying
As hearts go to their graves
We made our love on wasteland
Oh, and through the barricades

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Spandau Ballet - brytyjska grupa synth popowa założona w listopadzie 1979 roku w Londynie. Zespół stworzyli bracia Gary i Martin Kemp oraz John Keeble, Tony Hadley i Steve Norman. Spandau Ballet zadebiutował w 1980 roku przebojowym utworem "To Cut a Long Story Short". Niebawem ukazał się pierwszy album grupy "Journeys to Glory" (1981), który okazał się dużym sukcesem. Niestety kolejna płyta "Diamond " nie znalazła uznania słuchaczy, poza przebojem "Chant No. Read more on

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