101 dalmatian street theme songKathryn D. Rende


101 dalmatian street theme song

Kathryn D. Rende

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Tekst piosenki: 101 dalmatian street theme song

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Dalmatan street
This is a Dogs world
Theres a whole lot of love to give
So many pups to meet at
101 Dalmatan Street
We're a rowdey crowd here in
Camden town
Everyboty give a howl
Bow wow wow!
Theres plenty of love
Whereever you find
Theres a place here for everyone
Give a big howl we've got it now
I've Got My Pups With Me!
This is a Dogs world
Theres a whole lot of love to give
So many pups to meet at
101 Dalmatan Street
Dalmatan Street

Brak tłumaczenia!



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