Touch by TouchJoy


Touch by Touch


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Tekst piosenki: Touch by Touch

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When I feel the time is right
And you're staying by my side
And the love you give to me
Makes my heart beat
When my fantasies fly away
But my feelings make me stay
I see the fire in your eyes
It makes my heart beat

Do it, we still do it night and day
You're my all time lover
Do it, we still do it in a way
Like there is no other
Touch by touch
You're my all time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover

When my heart is full of love
It makes me a turtle dove
Love's a game that we play
Night and day
When our love is clear and bright
It's our way to see the light
There's a fire in our hearts
Night and day

Do it, we still do it night and day
You're my all time lover
Do it, we still do it in a way
Like there is no other
Touch by touch
You're my all time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover

Do it, we still do it night and day
You're my all time lover
Do it, we still do it in a way
Like there is no other
Touch by touch
You're my all time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover

Do it, we still do it night and day
You're my all time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover
Do it, we still do it night and day
You're my all time lover
Do it, we still do it in a way
Like there is no other
Touch by touch
You're my all time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover
Touch by touch
You're my all time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover

Brak tłumaczenia!



Zespół Joy powstał w 1984 roku. Jego członkowie to : Freddy Jaklitsch, Manfred Temme i Andy Schweitzer. Byli przyjaciółmi ze szkoły, ale po ukończeniu szkoły ich drogi się rozeszły. Freddy został nauczycielem niemieckiego, Manfred dj-em, a Andy zaczął pracować w policji. Spotkali się ponownie w roku 1984 i założyli zespół Joy. Ich pierwszy syngiel "Lost in Honkong" został wydany w lutym w 1985 roku. Mimo, że utwór nie odniósł dużego sukcesu, zespół został zauważony. Read more on

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