connie talbot

@conkatalbot wallsal(W.B)


Kilka słów o mnie

Zobacz więcej

connie I live in the UK won the U.S. X Factor when I was younger and I recorded album I love to sing.I recently met siblings Carly Rae Jepsen live in her district, I'm really happy that I can sing here for you!

Enter the YouTube Connie Talbot will come to you also my performance in xfactor

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Kilka słów o mnie

connie I live in the UK won the U.S. X Factor when I was younger and I recorded album I love to sing.I recently met siblings Carly Rae Jepsen live in her district, I'm really happy that I can sing here for you!

Enter the YouTube Connie Talbot will come to you also my performance in xfactor


  • 🎤🎤 Śpiewanie dla mnie jest:
    expressing their feelings and
  • 🗣🗣 Mój głos brzmi podobnie do:
    Selena Gomez and Whitney Houston
  • 🎧🎧 Ulubiony gatunek muzyki:
  • 👍👍 Lubię:
    play the piano to sing and dance
  • 👎👎 Nie lubię:
    ride a bicycle to ride a skateboard
  • 🏆🏆 Moja osiągnięcia:
    winning the X Factor and a recording
  • ⚡ Zainteresowania:
    singing dancing playing the piano
  • 👨‍🎤👨‍🎤 Ulubiony wykonawca:
    adele whitney houston and selena gomez
  • 📖📖 Ulubiona książka:
    harry potter and the little princess
  • 🎬🎬 Ulubiony film:
    from beverly hills chiwawa and shrek


  • Nagrań:
  • Łącznie odsłuchań:
  • Odwiedzin profilu:
  • Na iSing od:
    11 sierpnia 2012