One In A MillionBosson


One In A Million


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Tekst piosenki: One In A Million

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Your one in a million, oh

Your one in a million, woa oh

One, one, one, one, one,

Sometimes love can hit you everyday

Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see

But only one can really make me stay

The sign, the one in the sky, has said to me

Your one in a million

Your once in a lifetime

You made me discover one of the stars above us

Your one in a million

Your once in a lifetime

You made me discover one of the stars above us

I've been looking for that special one

I've been searching for someone to give me love

When I thought that all the hope was gone

A smile and there you were and I was gone

I always will remember how I felt that day

A feeling indescribable to me, yeah

I always knew there was an answer for my prayer

And you, your the one, the one for me

Your one in a million

Your once in a lifetime

You made me discover one of the stars above us

Your one in a million

Your once in a lifetime

You made me discover one of the stars above us

In the beginning I was cool and everything was possible

They tried to catch me but it was impossible

No one could hurt me it was my game

Until I met you baby and it wasn't the same

When you didn't want me, I wanted you

Because the funny thing about it is I like the show

I like it when it's difficult I like it when it's hard

Then you know it's worth it that you find your heart


Your one in a million

Your once in a lifetime

You made me discover one of the stars above us

Your one in a million

Your once in a lifetime

You made me discover one of the stars above us

Your one in a million

Brak tłumaczenia!



Szwedzki wokalista Bosson, który naprawdę nazywa się Staffan Olsson, zaczął nagrywać w późnych latach 90. Jego pierwszy album "The Right Time" ukazał się w 1999 roku. Jednak międzynarodowym sukcesem okazał się wydany w USA album - "One In a Million", promowany tytułowym singlem, który stał się wielkim przebojem. Na fali powodzenia Bosson uczestniczył w trasie koncertowej Britney Spears i LFO. W 2003 roku wokalista nagrał kolejny longplay - "Rockstar".

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