Consideration Rihanna




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Tekst piosenki: Consideration

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I came fluttering in from Neverland
Time can never stop me, no, no, no, no
I know you've tried to
I came riding in on a pale white horse
Handing out highs to less fortunate
I do advise you
Run it back, run it on back
When you breaking it down for me
Cause I can't hear you two times
Run it on back, will it ever make sense to me?

I got to do things my own way darling
Will you ever let me
Will you ever respect me? No
Do things my own way darling
You should just let me
Why you ain't ever let me grow

When I look outside my window
I can't get no peace of mind
When I look outside my window
I can't get no peace of mind

Let me cover your shit in glitter
I could make it gold, gold

Heard you tryna sell your soul, baby
Word on the street you run it low, lately
I needed you to please give my reflection a break
From the face it’s seeing now,oh darling
Would you mind giving my reflection a break
From the pain it’s feeling now?

I got to do things my own way darling

You should just let me
Will you ever respect me? No

Do things my own way darling

You should just let me
Why you ain't ever let me grow?

When I look outside my window
I can't get no peace of mind
When I look outside my window
I can't get no peace of mind

Get no peace
Get no peace
Get, get, getting no peace

Can't get no peace
(Get, g-g-get no peace oh)

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Rihanna, właśc. Robyn Rihanna Fenty (ur. 20 lutego 1988 r.) – barbadoska wokalistka wykonująca głównie muzykę pop i R&B, zdobywczyni ponad 200 nagród muzycznych ( 8 Grammy Awards), a także projektantka mody i aktorka. Rihanna znajduje się na 3. miejscu w zestawieniu światowych artystów z największą liczbą singli, które dotarły na szczyt prestiżowego notowania Billboard Hot 100. 26 teledysków z udziałem Rihanny odznaczono Certyfikatami VEVO Read more on

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